J. Wilson
Minister of Iowa Beer
Kelsey Seay
Associate Director
Name: J. Wilson
Title: Minister of Iowa Beer
Why do people love the Iowa Brewers Guild?
We work to promote, protect, and improve Iowa beer, so we have to be the most loveable trade organization on the planet. We’re also really nice people!
What new or exciting things are happening for the IBG in 2019?
We’re having fun with our podcast, The Sight Glass, and will continue that platform to tell the stories of Iowa breweries. We’re also doubling the size of our Iowa Brewers Olympics in Cedar Rapids, and expanding our i-BEST technical conference from one to two days.
What do you love about being part of the Des Moines area beer scene?
Of course, it tastes great, but the best part of the beer industry is the people. Every event is a giant family reunion—without the macaroni salad and awkward silences.

Email us directly
Events: events@dsmbeerweek.beer
General: info@dsmbeerweek.beer
Or, fill out this lovely form: